Vacuum fried okra- the best taste of veggies

Vacuum fried okra- the best taste of veggies

Vacuum frying gives a better and healthier experience than that of conventional frying products. We invite you to experience the new taste of Healthy Okra. Vacuum frying keeps the real aroma, taste and nutritional contents of Okra and its lower cholesterol content compared to open fried products

Vacuum fried Okra has a large amount of its polyphenols preserved in it which protects your Heart. The biggest risk factor when it comes to snack time favorites is the fact that we all know deep frying ingredients and consuming them affects the heart adversely.

Is vacuum fried veggies healthy?

The results are crisp vegetables (even fruits), which in some studies have shown to retain more nutrients than conventional frying. So basically vacuum fried snacks are more nutritious than regular fried food, and they taste awesome.

Major Benefits of Vacuum fried Okra Chips: -

Okra is one of the most unique and tastiest products among Fruittreat’s vacuum Fried Chips. Loaded with so many nutrients which contribute to a lot of health benefits, Okra chips also have a unique flavor, both of which are preserved through our Vacuum frying technology.

  • Β  It contributes to your immune system by loading you up with Vitamin C.
  • Β  Vacuum fried Okra has a large amount of its polyphenols preserved in it which play a major role in brain activity and improves memory
  • Β  Vacuum frying eliminates this risk to a great extent. Fruittreat’s Vacuum Frying technique also preserves Okra's ability to eliminate cholesterol and help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Okra chips also contain vitamin K1, which helps maintain good bone strength and may contribute to preserving your blood vessels, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.


Vacuum fried Okra snacks are a part of our pride and joy in being able to preserve the natural flavor and nutrients in the vegetable

Fruittreat presents Vacuum fried Okra chips high nutritious and tasty vacuum fried food product Vacuum frying gives a better and healthier experience than that of conventional frying products. We invite you to experience the new taste of Healthy Okra. Vacuum frying keeps the real aroma, taste and nutritional contents of Okra and its less cholesterol content compared to open fried products.

Vacuum fried Okra snack is a favourite for all age groups for its shape, crispiness & taste. Fruittreat healthy Vacuum fried organic Okra chips is never compromised with taste, quality & hygiene. These chips are high on dietary fiber & micronutrients.

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